Thursday, January 31, 2013

By Yourself for the People

I like to believe, being for myself is for the people.
I like to think, I have enough energy to make an interesting difference.
I try to purely serve by crushing my ego and vanity,
but the masturbation is inherent when you chose to entertain.
Make no mistake, entertainment in the arts is a two way reward.
Despair and rejection is depression for a sprouting emergence,
as the quitters suffer nothing but the worst of an inherent scale,
the diligent entertain bliss as their minds grow and show the divine pornography.
While other areas of service, comfortably bring their product to market,
art and entertainment, prostitutes its self-reward for the corporate.
While the people benefit either way the entertainer liens,
character versus capitalism is destroying truth and humanity daily.
Survival of body, at expense of the character,
what is the point of the character, if one cannot survive?
Without money, one so surely dies,
so it seems we must sell the divine…..pornography.
I cannot explain what is to me but a feeling.
Perhaps it is an echo of romanticism so dead,
or a masturbation of vanity assuming my way is the drive,
or is it the truth, survival motives are catastrophe of divine creativity.
Divinity at war with necessity,
a blissful freedom should drive individuality in humanity,
necessity can drive the corporate minds of invention,
but they only provide the method for the presentation.
The presentation itself must be pure of survival drives,
for the most divine of pornography to thrive,
individuality, and narcissism in vanity must be justified in them,
their masturbations will be pure if we the people contribute a stipend.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Coincidental in its Clockness

It has been said that even a broken clock is right two times a day. Suppose the clock was broken in such a way that it still ostensibly showed the correct time as if it were not broken. Its clockness then becomes a coincidence.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Unconsciously Anti-Natural

Similarities and difference;
agriculture to market sale;
Personal trade is natural,
impersonal corporations fail the people.
Profit paramount,
truth incalculable,
excuse to not try,
business unaccountable,
to the people.
unconsciously anti-natural,
population explosion,
selfish procreation,
mankind will survive without your child.
Selfish procreation,
industrialization necessity,
unconsciously anti-natural,
fundamental disconnect,
of intellect and instinct.
Activism in procreation,
I doubt anybody is ready to make that sacrifice.
What’s wrong, still not over your continuation?
Still not satisfied with yourself, you have to live on?
My life is my life,
the unconscious desire to procreate, is the perpetuation of lower animals,
understand mankind will go on without your child,
make a sacrifice to bring it back to the natural.
You do not live on in your children,
you will not even live on yourself,
industrialization immorality, and planet destruction,
are on the shoulders of lower animals, and businessmen.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Birth, to Nihilism to Virtue

Image courtesy of: -

A twinkle in the eye;
A ritual of infatuation;
A chain of contingency,
leading to your collective.
Born into impression,
your parents set the scales,
unconsciously you record their every decision,
and become a machine of collective reflection.
Too much information inundates your conscious,
buried in phenomenology, catching a glimpse of sight,
those who desire to understand pursue their freedom,
those who desire only reflection, pursue a submission.
The story ends here for those who find submission.
The only growth possible is presented in preconceived acceptance,
of guidelines perpetuated by those given a symbolic authority.
Weights and measures have limited say,
when someone’s happiness is at stake.
Those in pursuit of their consciousness,
will find merit in a self-critical nihilism,
for a short time in reflection,
cleaning up the artwork of the intellect.
When we are impressed, by a world of clashing determinism,
who we are before the escape, is a reflection of chance not virtue.
A sheltered being, with all the right circumstances may have the right idea.
but that very same person will not have, a perspective of change toward ataraxia.
A person lucky enough, to be impressed in a positive way,
may not be inclined to discover the reasons for their values.
Those who have trouble, are more likely to study,
they will annihilate, and recreate with reasonable inference.
Question everything, construct your virtue,
understand yourself, be confident in your value,
know all your beliefs, and your reasons for support,
be true to actuality, sincerity, authenticity, and honesty.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Die! Relativism, Live! Humanism

The internet is a beautiful thing because now, the real education can begin. I see people are starting to naturally question the realities of when it IS okay to judge someone for failures that are to the detriment of all men, on a big or small scale. Too long have we pandered to the relativist hippy mentality of “can’t we all just get along.” This mentality has been held against good people’s morals as soft, and not resolute, and the pricks from history who ARE resolute, with the wrong resolutions have been allowed to carry the power forward.

This has got to stop and I feel people are starting to understand, that that which is right and correct has the right to judge that which is wrong. A past failure to understand, does not mean understanding cannot be had in the future. It is this idea that has spelled the doom of good morals in the past. We have got to use Machiavellian ideas in a different sense, that in order to protect goodness we have to do more than just lead by example. We have to meet unsavory tactics, with unsavory defense to preserve the good absolute at the core of all this. You do not become like the person who stimulates bad behavior because you have to defend yourself from that bad behavior with unsavory means. They set the bar, by which you are forced to defend yourself, but as you are the higher order, you only do what is absolutely necessary for that defense, without compromising yourself down a slippery slope to oblivion. Humanism is a hard object. Physics and humanity are hard objects. We should not put forward relativism as an end, when in fact what it is is a means to an end. That end is peace. Instead of promoting tolerance, we have to promote education for the understanding of correct living, which is absolutely not relative.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Education for Morality

Starting like animals,
with evolutionary moral impressions,
our context in time,
changes rapidly, and significantly.
Education, for money alone,
does not address a panoply of moral situations.
Not knowing, what you do not know,
a fatal blow, with an unknown effect.
An ill prudent exclusionist can seem sincere and authentic.
This person can have the nicest representative self-imaginable.
If they fail to be critical of the macro imposition and the implications,
their exhibition of “authenticity” is a display of ignorance.
They feel confidence in a lifestyle unchecked,
how can you fail if you never try.
You live your life in an apathetic, unexamined existence,
using ego to reify choices made by submission.
When you submit to another, or many others,
you fail to take responsibility for yourself.
In your submission you are essentially saying,
these decisions are better than what I could achieve.
Negate your will, rule yourself out,
pass responsibility off to other leaders.
Argue passing responsibility is the responsible thing to do,
many times an ill studied decision, saving one from growth.
The Chinese understood hundreds of years ago,
in a lesson that would be good for American Post-Modernists:
rationality and moral value are growth in a never ending education,
changing with time, to produce the most virtuous individuals,
never isolate a group or an idea completely, and make it unquestionable.
Open to growth, you can keep in check that monster called ego.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Confidence vs. Prudence

When you force the issues to true or false ends,
And you cease to allow deliberation, and evaluation,
Making a decision with limited calculation,
Ego reifies prejudice, and you call it confidence.
Staring in the mirror with approval and vanity,
It starts with a failure to judge yourself out of fear,
Then it spirals out of control attempting to destroy,
Attempting to destroy the life contained between extremes.
A person of another type who you label as weak,
when objectively analyzed should be thought as prudent.
Prudential interlocutors become suspicious of “confidence”.
“strength” is a buzzword for getting lucky at a guess.
The universe is apparent,
your confidence and strength only fool your fools
The universe is apparent,
we know you do not know, so stop with your artifice.
It seems you think you are getting away with something,
Your ego is so self-reifying, you have succumbed to your own delusion,
That is why your speech has a hypocritical strength in projection,
In your stupidity, your unconscious conquered your conscious in contradiction.
You feel that space do you not, that emptiness you do not dare address,
That emptiness you assume all people feel, that you run from at night.
It is much more terrible than you realize, it is only you and your type,
That emptiness you feel, and cannot rid yourself of,
is the death of your authenticity, sincerity, and honesty.
That emptiness you feel is your failure to grow, your loss of the actual.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Blinded by Consumerism

Mere survival and status, a blinding light in your face,
while off in the distance, a warm glow is beckoning.
Injected social constructs,
rubrics that define your pleasure,
A pleasure that is a distraction,
a distraction from the warmth.
Your God is not my reference.
Your picture could never touch the true essence.
That first cause in ubiquity,
is the beauty which capitalistic consumerism destroys.
While universality calls out in a subtle whisper,
survival demands a heavy footed duty to a belligerent construct.
I know to be free, survival must be made easy.
I know this imposition is a constant struggle.
You cannot feed your imperative understanding,
until you can feed the demons of your necessary being.
Survival is necessary; necessary to exist.
Once under control, move your gaze to the whisper.
Listen to the undercurrent; the undercurrent of advice.
Try to be yourself, in an ubiquitous exhibition of warmth.
Your mind is a musical instrument,
universality and social connection your song,
Compose your reverberation of the essence in itself.
Be a clear lens, with no distortions or artifacts to contradict the display.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Two Convergent Scales

Values, values, values,
you are that chosen person with values!
Democracy, the way we want you to be,
worldwide spread, everybody must understand.
You believe in yourself, so you must be right,
to question and learn is weakness in domination,
your demand for a state, creates more conflict,
your demand to label anti-values creates the rift.
There is values to be had, in universal civility,
it is not all relative, and it is not all determined.
Pay attention, and do not resign to apathy,
pay attention, and do not masturbate in your pity…..of the other.
The scale that lies underneath the seen,
has two different oppositions to every idea,
one is an exact negation, contingent upon the initial,
and one is an emotional reaction, to an actual.
Understand them both, by this example in presentation;
What is the opposite of a movement toward diversity?
One point of view points out the opposite as a move toward a universal,
while another view of the opposite presents a negation to annihilate the multiple.
A theist instigates a point of view,
atheism exists in purity inside the theist,
not believing in God is not the definition of atheism,
the exact negation of what the theist is,
is atheism by definition.
I really believe theists are atheists,
but people who work to annihilate them, have a claim to the name also.
They are reactive, and desire to spend the time,
they watch for theist cues, then they move to annihilate.
Just because you take no stand on the issue of God,
does not make you an atheist by default.
You are simply a person, in a sea of labels,
labels that, sometimes, only gain meaning, if you give them significance.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Cultural Convergence

A righteous mind brought to my attention a common concern about culture.
She mentioned with passion, world peace is the death of beauty as we know.
I explained my position of objective mathematical convergence of value,
and she reacted in a belief of diametrically trapped romance and emotion.
Her idea was the blending of cultures destroys diversity.
She admitted we would fight, but for the sake of beauty.
While I did not reply extensively, I retorted sparingly.
Her inferences are annoying, and her outburst not surprising.
To take her position, you would have to believe;
no one culture is interesting in itself to contain beauty.
To take her position you would have to forget,
all the culture from the past, we sway to in our day to day.
The Greeks are gone, yet they survive strongly today,
they survive as individual culture, and blended in our ways.
I understand the diametrically opposed argument,
as I passed through it to gain my current stand, today.
The problem is the severe under evaluation of the very concept of beauty,
And an egoistic meme which unconsciously believes beauty is its property.
Using an unbiased mechanism to blend ideas and ideals,
only the ignorant will forget our history.
We can understand the concern of the anti-intellectuals,
for God’s sake, they may actually have to study the consensual.
I am so fucking sorry……

Sunday, January 20, 2013


Contradiction, and elaboration
A photon is present, or a photon is not
Inescapable dichotomy inherent in reality;
This realization is both useful and necessary.
Some want to eliminate all dichotomy and opposition.
Some want to illuminate change, and evaluation.
We should realize a scale that moves in another direction.
We should realize both ideas work together in unison.
Situation #1 will ask a question, a question which is true or false.
Imagine two boxes, side by side, one contains a photon and one does not.
An affirmation of presence is given by a space predefined,
while another space provides a negation, because no photon is inside.
True and false seems easily derived from situations such as these.
If we look at life closer, we see this only counts for very little of what we see.
Imagine the same scenario, and you begin with a prejudice of a true or false result.
One box is filled with 1000 photons, and the other filled with only one.
Negation becomes impossible in an axiomatic desire fulfilled,
Evaluation becomes paramount, and satisfaction impossible in mathematical will.
Emotion is created out of failure of human calculation.
Dealing with an unknowable infinitive immeasurable.
Another dichotomy inherent, which cannot be annihilated,
objectivity, and subjectivity, a bridge between two universes.
Mankind, mankind, a biological antenna for information discovery.
Your body is like the dust, and water, stimulated by the energy.
Two universes clash together, like gears of space, time, and information.
Two universes communicating in a profoundly integrated conversation.
The lack we feel in reconciliation of infinity in math,
Zeno and his cosmic tickling of our funny bones,
the failure of the square to measure the circle,
the failure to stop exclusion leading to war,
the failure of science to bring it to an end,
the failure of religion, to produce a peaceful earth,
Instead of saying all things are changing, and dichotomy a disease,
Instead of saying everything is true and false, this is how value is perceived,
those who understand where and when each value is to be used,
are the genius inventors of a reasonable ataraxia to be gained in our future